Friday 22 September 2017

Have Your Say on Election Day

For the past couple of weeks we have been learning at the importance of "Having You Say" and voting when it comes to Election Day.

We have been focusing on the importance of being involved in decision making and discussed different decisions that some of our room 19 children have been involved in eg. which intermediate they go to, whether they continue to do certain after school activities etc.

We talked about the important of having a voice and about rights and responsibilities (rules and laws).  We had some awesome discussions about who decides when we go to school, leave school, when we can vote, when we can drive or even when we can get married (that was fun ....)

Today it was our turn to vote and we used the Pakuranga Electorate voting forms.  It was fun using the orange pens choosing a party and candidate to vote for.  We even had our own voting box ...

Now we will be super prepared and ready to vote when we are old enough.

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